Andrew Kukuruda Park, Crafton Heights: 1649 Stratmore Street The trees lining the corner of Elmont and Stratmore Streets are tall, strong, ... Continue Reading about Andrew Joseph Kukuruda Park, Crafton Heights
Crafton Heights
Trip #684 Chartiers Avenue, Crafton Heights
Trip #684 Chartiers Avenue, Crafton Heights, Pittsburgh took place on December 17, 2021, and was published on January 21, 2022. Life can ... Continue Reading about Trip #684 Chartiers Avenue, Crafton Heights
Bonus Trip! Crafton Heights
This trip to an unmapped flight of city steps connecting Noblestown Road to the Dunbar Playground in Crafton Heights, Pittsburgh took place ... Continue Reading about Bonus Trip! Crafton Heights
Trip #452 Small Way, Crafton Heights
Trip #452 Small Way, Crafton Heights, Pittsburgh took place on May 31, 2020, and was published on June 19, 2020. It might seem hard to ... Continue Reading about Trip #452 Small Way, Crafton Heights
Trip #447 Clairhaven Street, Crafton Heights
Trip #447 Clairhaven Street, Crafton Heights, Pittsburgh took place on May 17, 2020, and was published on June 8, 2020. "Pay no attention ... Continue Reading about Trip #447 Clairhaven Street, Crafton Heights