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My name is Laura Zurowski, and I’m a Pittsburgh-based writer/photographer. Regardless of where you live, chances are you aren’t aware that Pittsburgh has the largest number of public stairways in the country, nearly 900 – more than Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle (and closer to home, Cincinnati). Built during the city’s post-WWII heyday as a cost-effective measure to move 700,000 people from their homes on the hills to the mills that lined the three rivers, city steps offered a free and efficient way to get around.
Today, with a population of barely 300,000 and cars plentiful, most city steps are infrequently used or forgotten.
But thanks to quality construction, almost all of these structures remain. Many exist in “neighborhoods” where people haven’t lived in decades – streets lined with abandoned houses, foundations of demolished buildings, trees, and greenery everywhere – and then a giant flight of concrete stairs. (For a visual, check out this flight on Marvista Street from Pittsburgh’s northside.)
In early 2017, I started Mis.Steps: Our Missed Connections with Pittsburgh’s City Steps as a way to re-discover these many stairs. What started as a simple “document the stairs” project very quickly morphed into something bigger. As I shared my photographs and stories, people responded both to the words and the images. People who are new to Pittsburgh and lifelong residents. People who moved away for better jobs. People who have a soft spot for Rust Belt grit. And a few people who are structural engineers and retired DPW employees. 🙂
My goal has always been to get people outside, out of their cars, and walk around their neighborhoods – regardless of where they live. Even before COVID-19, our modern-day lives were lived with high degrees of isolation, but I believe the power is in our hands to change that. It’s always been in our hands – it’s just that it’s easy to forget when you’re rushing through life in your car.
If all of this sounds intriguing, I’d love to talk with you. Simply fill out the contact form below or message me through social media. If you have questions, I’ll try my best to provide answers.
Laura Zurowski
IG: @mis.steps
Twitter: @lzurowski
Pittsburgh, PA