Crafton Heights Tot Lot: Crafton Heights, 1444 Preston Street
Tot parks are tiny neighborhood lots with a smattering of play equipment designed for younger children (and some benches for the grown-ups).
Their colorful twists and turns offer tantalizing rewards that pique curiosity. Who doesn’t want to hide behind a dinosaur, peek through squiggly lines, and escape detection by rocketing down a slide? Playgrounds look like all play, but it’s this focused simplicity that gives them (and the kids that use them) great power. This is because getting to all the good stuff requires finding the right path, overcoming fear, and developing the needed coordination. Ask any adult attempting a new exercise routine or returning to a sport they played as a teen: These are not inconsequential lessons or minor accomplishments!
Today’s goal might be climbing four steps on the stairs and next week’s ascending four rungs on the ladder. Either way, the dinosaur hideout (and slide) are beckoning. Small but mighty, indeed.
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