McKnight Park & Playground, Manchester: 1234 Page Street
The holidays are here, and regardless of how/if you celebrate, it’s easy to get caught up in all the hurrying, scurrying, and worrying about people, places, and situations. If this week finds you dreading an ever-growing “to-do” list of holiday responsibilities, consider trying a different approach. Every time you feel the need to go faster, make a conscious decision to slow down. When tempted to multi-task, focus instead on one activity and see it to completion. And when chaos swirls all around, pause and take a slow breath. Look out the window, step outside, or take a walk around the block. Give yourself a moment to reconnect with the wonderful human be-ing that you are. Cheers! Let’s celebrate having a healthy and joy-filled week!
Love Pittsburgh’s City Steps? Get a Copy of the NEW Book!
City Steps of Pittsburgh: A History & Guide explores the history of the steps and the neighborhoods in which they were built. It also includes 13 guided walks and 20+ locations worth visiting—all with detailed descriptions, directions, and resources for creating your own urban hiking adventure. All areas of Pittsburgh are represented: north, south, east, and west. The book is available through all online shops (including our publisher) and local and independent bookstores.