Sheraden Park, Sheraden: Surban Street
Sheraden Park is deep in a hollow, surrounded by craggy hillsides and towering trees. During my Saturday morning ramble, these trees were filled with hundreds of chatty birds leaping from limb to limb and launching skyward or toward the thawed and somewhat soggy ground below. Bird energy is so light and uplifting that you can’t help but smile and feel a bit expansive when it surrounds you, and this feathered crew was exuberant, to say the least!
I spent nearly an hour in this happy-go-lucky state before I realized I had not seen or passed another human during all my explorations. Given that the weather was reasonably warm and clear, this was both surprising and disappointing. I’ll admit that the park’s amenities have a careworn appearance (the long-closed swimming pool doesn’t help), and there’s a litter problem along the city steps that lead to Sherwood Avenue. However, it’s still a uniquely beautiful space that has served the public since 1923. In recent years, residents and city officials have proposed and agreed to various rehabilitation plans, but it’s uncertain when work will begin. I hope it will be soon, as parks and playgrounds need people and activity to survive. In the meantime, the birds don’t mind having a full run of the place.
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