Trip #613 Saw Mill Run to Hillview Street, Overbrook, Pittsburgh took place on July 15, 2021, and was published on July 23, 2021.
Every species in the natural world has the power to communicate information and emotions. While the individual mechanisms and manifestations may seem unbelievable and mind-blowing (Hello, The Hidden Life of Trees!), they’re no different from our human vocal cords, bodily gesticulations, and facial expressions. But unfortunately, in this day and age, the myriad voices of nature are rarely comprehended (or intentionally ignored) by our analytical, logical, and egotistical brains. And so, the messages of living things, both large and small, fall on unhearing ears and unseeing eyes. As a species, we homo sapiens are no longer children, no longer juveniles who can be excused for self-centered, rash behaviors. We are adults, yet we often do not behave as such. So it should be no surprise that Mother Earth grows tired of our willful ignorance.
Field Notes: This flight is viewable from the intersection at Saw Mill Run but despite the busyness of that thoroughfare, the neighborhood the flight is in is very quiet and residential. Based on the litter (sigh) people are using this flight – and there were several ripe red raspberry bushes that I took advantage of! 🙂
Love city steps? Get yourself the latest issue of Mis.Steps: Our Missed Connections with Pittsburgh’s City Steps! Each copy is unique and features 10 randomly selected “trading cards” of Pittsburgh’s 739 public stairways. Visit the Mis.Steps online store to see all issues and place your order.
Want to visit these stairs? You can locate them on the Pittsburgh City Steps Plan website!
Be a good neighbor! Have you visited these stairs and found them in poor condition or that illegal dumping (large items like tires, old furniture, and construction debris) and trash were abundant in the area? There are two things you can do to take action and make our city steps cleaner and safer for everyone! First, grab a photo if you can, and submit a report to Pittsburgh 311. All problems, both broken stairs, and railings, as well as trash and dumping, should be reported to the city. You can easily do this online or by calling.