Trip #670 Wedgemere Place, Brookline, Pittsburgh took place on November 11, 2021, and was published on December 8, 2021.
When you feel the need to confront another (or yourself), make sure you have plenty of space. This applies to the literal, physical space you inhabit as well as the space within your mind and your heart. Most creatures avoid being hemmed in; we all need a certain degree of openness to feel secure. When there’s ample space, it’s easier to breathe. When it’s easier to breathe, it’s easier to stay balanced and kind – and these two qualities are essential for turning a confrontation into a meaningful conversation.
Field Notes: If you didn’t see the date, you’d think this visit took place in late spring! That said, November 11, 2021, was an unseasonably warm day which made it perfect for walking around these rolling Brookline streets. And lots of sunshine to charge up those solar garden lights that people love so much!
Love city steps? Get yourself the latest issue of Mis.Steps: Our Missed Connections with Pittsburgh’s City Steps! Each copy is unique and features 10 randomly selected “trading cards” of Pittsburgh’s 739 public stairways. Visit the Mis.Steps online store to see all issues and place your order.
Want to visit these stairs? You can locate them on the Pittsburgh City Steps Plan website!
Be a good neighbor! Have you visited these stairs and found them in poor condition or that illegal dumping (large items like tires, old furniture, and construction debris) and trash were abundant in the area? There are two things you can do to take action and make our city steps cleaner and safer for everyone! First, grab a photo if you can, and submit a report to Pittsburgh 311. All problems, both broken stairs, and railings, as well as trash and dumping, should be reported to the city. You can easily do this online or by calling.