Trip #703 South 15th Street, Southside Slopes, Pittsburgh took place on March 6, 2022, and was published on March 11, 2022.
Humans have an inherent need to communicate with one another. Even the most solitary, hermit-like individual has ways they commune with the world outside their realm. Throughout our lives, we present ourselves in many authentic and not quite so authentic ways. How we communicate our identity and what we choose to share has storylines that stay constant over time and details that ebb and flow with our perception of the world and our place in it. You may not encounter many people when visiting the South 15th Street steps in the SouthSide Flats, but you’ll quickly become aware of dozens, maybe even hundreds of individuals who freely share a bit about themselves with anyone who decides to glance their way.
Field Notes: This flight connects South 15th Street from the Flats to the Slopes by crossing over the freight train tracks. It’s a pretty cool structure with plenty of graffiti AND a Pittsburgh Protractor.
Love city steps? Get yourself the latest issue of Mis.Steps: Our Missed Connections with Pittsburgh’s City Steps! Each copy is unique and features 10 randomly selected “trading cards” of Pittsburgh’s 739 public stairways. Visit the Mis.Steps online store to see all issues and place your order.
Want to visit these stairs? You can locate them on the Pittsburgh City Steps Plan website!
Be a good neighbor! Have you visited these stairs and found them in poor condition or that illegal dumping (large items like tires, old furniture, and construction debris) and trash were abundant in the area? There are two things you can do to take action and make our city steps cleaner and safer for everyone! First, grab a photo if you can, and submit a report to Pittsburgh 311. All problems, both broken stairs, and railings, as well as trash and dumping, should be reported to the city. You can easily do this online or by calling.