West End Park, Elliott: West End Park Drive
Are some places genuinely shrouded in mystery, or are magical attributes the work of our imagination? The West End Park in Elliott has been open to the public since the turn of the twentieth century, hosting untold people and witnessing remarkable changes throughout the community and city. Walk along the spiraling trails, and you’ll spy crumbling stone walls, granite slabs slowly being absorbed by the Earth, and bits of construction that harken back to long-ago days. Has it got a gothic allure? Absolutely.
On the day of my visit, I was met by cloud-filled skies and a dampness that indicated rain approaching. The surrounding hilltop neighborhood was quiet, and the park was empty except for two deer, a male with a majestic, branching set of antlers and a tall and alert female standing alongside. Together, they looked across the grassy slope without a flicker of fear or hesitation; this was their land, and I was the interloper.
Grabbing the camera, I centered on their commanding presence, surrounded by late winter trees and early spring skies. Our few moments of connection stayed with me as I walked along the trail and gradually made my way back to the car. Once inside, I removed the Polaroid from my pocket and was confused by what I saw or, rather, what I didn’t see. Where were the deer? Was this a case of the spiritual realm refusing to be captured or an example of shadowy shenanigans obscuring reality? My brain votes for one, but my heart the other.
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City Steps of Pittsburgh: A History & Guide explores the history of the steps and the neighborhoods in which they were built. It also includes 13 guided walks and 20+ locations worth visiting—all with detailed descriptions, directions, and resources for creating your own urban hiking adventure. All areas of Pittsburgh are represented: north, south, east, and west. The book is available through all online shops (including our publisher) and local and independent bookstores.
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